Leader's mentor program

Individual mentoring program for managers to solve certain agreed problems.

The situation is growing out of control

Sometimes things pile up and it’s hard to find a way out of the situation. It seems that everything needs to be done, but there are not enough time and resources. At the same time, employee dissatisfaction increases because you, as a manager, have less and less time to deal with these tasks.

The goal is known, but you can't find the right end of the road

In such situations, it is important to find the right path as soon as possible and start moving towards the goal along it.

Many organizations have mentors who can help as well and would do a great job. However, there is a risk here that the colleague will start helping, considering the procedures, practices and habits of the organization. An external mentor focuses on the problem and tries to tailor the journey to the organization.

What does the mentor program include?
  • Initial 30-minute free consultation where the goal is formulated
  • 2 hour initial meeting to create an action plan
  • 12 weekly consultation
  • 2-hour summary of the program and preparation of a plan for follow-up activities

If necessary, it is possible to order a 30-minute consultation session after the program.

Juhtimise konsultatsioon

How costly an ineffective meeting can be!

What are the steps of the mentoring program?​

Each step of the mentoring program has a specific goal and content that contributes to the achievement of the result as much as possible.

Initial consultation.

During 30 minutes, the formulation of the problem and the goal that is to be achieved at the end of the program takes place. The first consultation is free, because here it becomes clear whether further cooperation can bear fruit.

2-hour initial consultation.

As a result of this meeting, there is a more detailed unraveling of the problem and a description of the activities to achieve the goal. A detailed action plan will also be drawn up to achieve the goal within 12 weeks

Weekly meetings.

During these meetings, the results of the previous week’s activities are reviewed, problems are analyzed and, if necessary, the objectives and activities of the next week are specified.

Program summary meeting.

During this meeting, an overview of the lessons learned and the effects achieved will be compiled. It also reviews the problems that have arisen and the ways to solve them. In addition, a plan for the next 12 weeks is drawn up.

Package S:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12×1-hour consultation
  • 2-hour debriefing meeting

Package M:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12×1-hour consultation
  • 2-hour debriefing meeting
  • 12×0.5-hour follow-up consultation

Package L:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12×2-hour consultation
  • 2-hour debriefing meeting

Package XL:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12×2-hour consultation
  • 2-hour debriefing meeting
  • 12×0.5-hour follow-up consultation

1040,00 € + km *

1485,00 € + km

1430,00 € + km *

2040,00 € + km

1820,00 € + km *

2600,00 € + km

2210,00 € + km *

2920,00 € + km

* The discounted price is valid for orders made before 01.05.2023

Prices are valid for virtual consultation. If contact meetings are requested, the transport cost within Estonia may be added up to 30% of the price. The transport cost is not added in Estonia if more than 3 programs are ordered from one organization. Outside Estonia, additional cost according to the real cost and agreement.

If you want to know more, leave me a message!

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