Situational Leadership®: Building Leaders

„A person cannot truly become more perfect if he does not help others become more perfect as well.“ Charles Dickens

Using the wrong leadership style can cause annual losses of around €6,500 per employee and the necessary goals will not be achieved.

The choice of leadership style depends, first of all, on the readiness of the employee to achieve the required result.

Situational leadership

By adjusting your leadership style, you can achieve better results at lower costs.

There is no inherent good or bad leadership style. Rather, each leadership style is appropriate for specific situations and is most effective in those contexts. The primary inquiry, then, is how to select the most fitting leadership style. What criteria ought to be utilized to make this determination? The employee Performance Readines® will prove to be decisive.

Situational Leadership® helps a leader achieve goals and develop a team.

By using Situational Leadership®, you will soon notice that your team can handle tasks much more independently.

Situational Leadership® is also a great tool to develop your employees and make them more independent.

Training is helpful if:

  • there is the desire to make the management of people effective
  • there is the need to achieve goals in any situation
  • the skills and personal characteristics of the staff are extremely different, but the goals must be achieved
  • there is the desire to use the best leadership style in any situation.

Join us for an enlightening training session - Your chance to learn everything you need to know!

Sissejuhatus inimeste juhtimisse Juhtimisstiil - töötajate arendamise alustala​

Choosing a suitable leadership style is essential for achieving the goal. The employee's readiness to fulfill the given task is the determining factor in choosing the leadership style, not the personal preference of the leader.

People possess different knowledge, skills, and experiences. Often, their emotional state and confidence are important factors.

Olukorrapõhine juhtimine

Virtual training

Training in the Zoom environment

Virtual training

3120,00 € + VAT/group (price per participant 195,00 € + VAT)
Olukorrapõhine juhtimine

Contact training

Contact training in Tallinn or at client

Contact training

3250,00 € + VAT/group (price per participant 203,12 € + VAT). Travel costs may be added to training outside Estonia

Before you decide, ask for an offer!

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