Leader's mentor programm

Are meetings getting out of control? Are deadlines coming too soon? Is getting an overview of the employees’ activities constantly stealing a lot of time? If, in addition to these problems, you are also burdened by other problems that prevent you from enjoying being a leader, then the leader’s mentor program will help you.

Why choose a leader's mentor program?​

The Leader’s Mentor Program is designed to support leaders like you in solving everyday challenges faster and more efficiently. Our program offers you the necessary tools, methodology and practical knowledge that will enable you to become a more efficient and effective leader.

The goal is known, but the right path cannot be found

Many organizations have mentors who can help as well and would do a great job. However, there is a risk here that the colleague will start helping, considering the procedures, practices and habits of the organization. An external mentor focuses on the problem and tries to customize the journey for the organization.

What is the leader's mentor program for you?

Faster problem solving

The leader's mentor program focuses on effective and faster solving of everyday problems. You will learn to identify the causes of problems, analyze them strategically and find quick, creative and innovative solutions.

Effective leadership tools

The leader's mentor program gives you the necessary tools to help you be more efficient and productive as a leader. They help, for example, set priorities faster, manage your time and use your resources optimally.

Strategic view on the problems

The leader's mentor program helps you solve problems from a strategic point of view and see the big picture. You will learn to analyze situations, identify important factors and plan long-term strategies that lead to success.

Benefit from the experience of others

The leader's mentor program helps you learn from the experience of others and avoid the mistakes of others. In addition to knowledge, the mentor also shares his experience and best practices. This is how you learn faster as a leader and achieve the desired results faster.

The leader’s mentor program helps to quickly find the necessary solution to problems or concerns. In doing so, you benefit from the experience of other leaders, which the mentor shares with you. Why step on the rake yourself when others have done it and you can avoid it.

What does the leader's mentor program include?​
  • initial 30-minute free consultation where the goal is formulated
  • 2-hour first meeting to create an action plan and formulate goals
  • 12 weekly consultations
  • 2-hour summary of the program and preparation of a plan for follow-up activities
If needed, it is possible to order 30-minute follow-uo consultation sessions after the program.

Stages of the leader's mentor program

Each stage of the mentor program has a specific goal and content that contributes to the achievement of the result as much as possible.

Initial consultation.

During 30 minutes, the formulation of the problem and the goal that is to be achieved at the end of the program takes place. The first consultation is free, because here it becomes clear whether further cooperation can be successful.

2-hour initial consultation.

As a result of this meeting, there is a more detailed unraveling of the problem and a description of the activities to achieve the goal. A detailed action plan will also be drawn up to achieve the goal within 12 weeks.

Weekly meetings.

During these meetings, the results of the previous week’s activities are reviewed, problems are analyzed and, if necessary, the objectives and activities of the next week are specified.

Leader’s mentor program summary meeting

At this meeting, the achieved results and learning outcomes are reviewed. The problems that have arisen and the possibilities of their solution are also discussed. In addition, a plan for the next 12 weeks is also put together.

Leader's mentor program packages and prices

Package S:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12 x 1-hour consultation
  • 2-hour summary meeting

Package m:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12 x 1-hour consultation
  • 2-hour summary meeting
  • 12 x 0.5-hour follow-up consultation

Package L:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12 x 2-hour consultation
  • 2-hour summary meeting

Package XL:

  • 0.5 hour initial consultation
  • 12 x 2-hour consultation or 24 x 1-hour consultation
  • 2-hour summary meeting
  • 12 x 0,5 hour follow-up consultation

1485,00 € + VAT

2040,00 € + VAT

2600,00 € + VAT*

2920,00 € + VAT *

Prices are valid for virtual consultation. If contact meetings are requested, the transport cost within Estonia may be added up to 30% of the price. The transport cost is not added in Estonia if more than 3 programs are ordered from one organization. Outside Estonia, additional cost according to the real cost and agreement.

If you want to know more about the manager's mentor program, leave me a message!​​

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